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Girl with Horse
Fenugreek Seeds/Powder

Fenugreek aids in digestion and helps horses suffering from ulcers to eat better and digest the food more effectively. Fenugreek contains protein, Vitamin C, niacin, potassium and diosgenin. It is high in L-tryptophan and makes a wonderful tonic to elevate depressed horses. 


Fenugreek is an effective tonic for the reproductive system.  It can help a mare suffering from moodiness when on heat. It is beneficial in treating arthritis and asthma bronchitis, maintains a healthy metabolism, and helps to prevent skin rashes, colds and flu. It also helps to lower the acidic PH.


According to research, fenugreek powder is one of the horses' most preferred flavouring ingredients. Its nutty notes and bitter-sweet taste are favourite to equines. So, if your horse's being fussy, adding fenugreek powder into your horse feed increases the food's flavour and likeliness of your animal finishing its meal.


However, fenugreek powder has many more benefits than enhancing the palatability of your equine's feed. Packed with many nutrients and well ness values, it can help keep your horse healthy and aids in strength and strong immunity.

One of the significant health benefits fenugreek powder provides is the ease of digestion. Fenugreek is known for its digestive properties due to its high content of fibres. Fenugreek seeds contain a significantly high amount of soluble fibres, increasing other food's digestibility and adding bulk to manure.


Fenugreek also contain mucilaginous properties. When powdered seeds are soaked in water, they form a slimy soothing mucilage that coats the stomach's inner lining. This substance is especially beneficial for stomach ulcers, a common problem among horses.


It soothes the dry, inflamed gastrointestinal tract, helping cure stomach ulcers and prevent them from forming. Also, we see bloating and gas when the digestive tract is damaged. Fenugreek powder improves digestion and cures these symptoms too.


Fenugreek also contains an array of flavonoids, including quercetin and steroidal saponins. These flavonoids help combat cold arthritis in horses. Therefore, adding fenugreek powder to the horse diet during colder weather is an excellent way to keep cold arthritis at bay.


Fever in horses: soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek in warm water and give to your horse every 2 hours. 

Fenugreek Seeds/Powder

  • Feed 20-30 grams daily for a big horse added to feed. 

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