Equirapha has taken it upon themselves to start an AHS AWARENESS CAMPAIGN in the FIGHT AGAINST AFRICAN HORSE SICKNESS.
Our Mission is to educate all horse owners on what African horse sickness is, how to prevent your horse from being infected, and identifying the symptoms early and starting safe and effective treatment immediately.
Our Vision is to save more furry baby lives and support horse owners through a very stressful and difficult time and reminding them there is always hope.
For this campaign to be successful we need the support of every horse lover, as TOGETHER WE CAN BEAT THIS.
If you would like to be part of this campaign please send us an e-mail or visit our website or give us a call.

What is AHS?
African Horse Sickness is a highly infectious non-contagious viral disease caused by a Culicoides midge. All breeds of horses can be affected by this virus with a mortality rate of 70-90%. AHS does not spread directly from one horse to another but is transmitted by the Culicoides midge which becomes infected when feeding on other infected equines. Midge activity is at its highest in warm and rainy seasons and disappears after frost when the midges die.
Click on this link for more history on AHS
The disease manifests in 4 ways namely the Lung form (Dunkop), The Heart form (Dukkop) and the mixed form(combination AHS).
The lung Form (Dunkop):
very high fever up to 41
difficulty in breathing with mouth open and head hanging down
frothy discharge from the nose
sudden onset of death
very high death rate 90%
The heart form (Dukkop)
fever followed by swelling of the head and orbitals (the whole head can swell)
loss of ability to swallow
bleeding can occur in the membranes of the mouth and eyes
slower onset of death that can occur 4-8 days after the fever has started
lower death rate of 50%
The mixed form (Combination AHS)
it is a combination of the symptoms of Dunkop and Dukkop with a death rate of 65%.
The Fever form:
occurs in partially immune horses
low grade fever up to 40 Degrees Celsius
mild depression and lose of appetite
conjunctival congestion
It is essential that bloods are taken with a suspected case of AHS as it can only be confirmed by a Laboratory. AHS is a controlled disease, horse owners are obliged by law to notify the local state veterinarians of suspected cases. (Animal disease Act no.35 of 1984).
First signs of infection could be:
Loss of appetite
Temp irregularities (very important to check your horses temperature at least 2 x day in AHS season and keep a diary to pick up any irregularities)
Orbital swelling or any unusual swelling anywhere around the body especially behind the ears and the neck)
Unusual breathing
Red spots (or red in colour) in eyelids/gums and under tongue
Hanging head and ears
Colic symptoms
Protruding veins in back legs
It is essential to pay close attention to your horse as this will help you identify any change in them immediately.
The most important factor in prevention is stimulating/boosting the horses immunity all year round (especially before and during Peak AHS season which can range from December to June every year, history has shown that the most and severest time is February-April) as this will help your horse fight off any virus or infection and make his/her chances of surviving the Virus much better! There are many immune stimulants on the market to look at, Medical grade ozone, Royallyne herbs, Eco-Immune, Jenty Webster tinctures, Honeyvale herbs, as well as the Viral Immune boost mix are also excellent immune stimulants! A horse with a stronger immunity has a much better chance of fighting off infection. Take your horses' temperature at least 2 x day to detect any irregularities in temperatures which could be the first symptom of the virus. Keep a daily diary on hand of the temps so that you can record your horses normal temperature and it will show you when any patterns change. IN High midge activity season keeping your horse protected from midge bites is essential. Spray your horses with a product that deters midges and mosquitoes (products containing Neem oil are the safest and best options); in the morning and late afternoon. Spray Cypermethrin or a midge repellent/killer in and around your stables and camps. If possible stable your horses before dusk (16:00) and only turn out after dawn (09:00), when midge activities are the highest. Keep your horses away from water pools, rivers and swamps where midges tend to breed. When travelling with your horse in peak season, ensure that your horse is protected with an effective midge repellent and that you also spray and clean out your horse box/trailer when traveling between places. Unfortunately vaccinated or not your horse can get still get AHS and with Vaccine shortages since 2021 we will have to focus on immune support and a full prevention and treatment protocol.
Treatment protocol
Starting treatment with suspicion of AHS can be the determining factor between life and death for your horse so PLEASE be prepared. Although there is no cure for AHS there are many treatment protocols. The most important factor you should always consider is that AHS should be treated symptomatically. Many people have had massive success with the Natural approach as injecting the wrong pharmaceuticals at the wrong time could cause death within hours. Please educate yourself on the side effects that drugs can have on your sick horse. Never treat your horse with any pharmaceuticals without the permission or assistance from a Veterinarian. In a suspected AHS case it is essential that you keep your horse as calm and stress free as possible as the virus puts enormous strain on your horses' vital organs. Many people prefer the natural approach as it supports the body when it is under enormous strain. We have a fantastic support system that will support and guide you every step of the way. We also have a successful treatment protocol that has pulled through countless of horses with AHSV including Dunkop cases.
MZN (THE DIFFERENCE) is an edible gel treatment that is made up of plant extracts formulated by Veterinary Dr Kobus Du Toit. it works on the cell receptors and blocks a virus giving the body chance to fight back. It also supports the Liver, kidneys and pancreas and stabilizes blood pressure and cortisol levels. MZN has successfully treated many horses that have contracted the AHS virus.(Contact information below).
Medical grade Ozone, ozone therapy is an integrative medicine treatment that due to its remarkable detoxification and oxidative/reactive properties can stimulate the animals body to renew and regenerate itself. It kills the virus in the bloodstream. In the presence of disease, the cell environment always suffers from lower levels of PH and less oxygen. Ozone therapy is used to boost the amount of oxygen in the body. Ozone (03) is a triatomic molecule (consisting of 3 oxygen atoms) that acts as a powerful oxidant, because it is far more energetic than oxygen. (Contact information below)
Royalynne Herbs have specially formulated an AHS,EEV,WNV anti-viral herbal treatment that has successfully treated many horses that have contracted the AHS Virus. It also supports the body and all the vital organs while fighting the virus (Contact information below).
Heart Horse-Equirapha Immune boost mix, prepared especially for you from the Recipe to make your life easier, they also have daily temperature log books, medication and treatment log books and more.(Contact information below).
Eco-Vet products,
Eco-Lung is specifically useful in treating AHS and offering lung support.
Eco-Heart, is used primarily as a heart tonic and in situations as with AHS where improved heart function is required.
Eco-Heal, can help for pain, fever and inflammation.
Kyroligo is a Vitamin/Amino Acid/Mineral Injection which contains a High amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin A plays a substantial role, especially in the respiratory epithelium and the lung.
Kyro-B liver : As supportive therapy in the treatment of debilitation and suspected B vitamin deficiencies in all animals. For stimulation of various liver functions. Choline is a lipotropic agent which can prevent or cure fatty infiltration of the liver. (lipotropic agents, promote the flow of fat and bile to and from the liver)
Kyrovite C: Vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of immune cells. Vitamin C is a powerful anti oxidant that protects the body from oxidative stress and free floating radicals, reduces inflammation and improves blood flow and protects blood vessels.
Kyrophos Metabolic V: Phosphorus and B vitamins injection, Phosphorus is a vital element in muscle, blood, bone and nerve metabolism. It has a tonic effect, stimulating appetite and increasing weight gain. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B ) is an essential nutrient for nuclear maturation 12 and cell division,and deficiency of this vitamin results in general depression of cellular development and tissue growth. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B ) is a co-enzyme which assists in the oxidation of amino-acids. 6 Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A which is essential in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
It is essential that you are prepared for the virus when your horse shows any of the above mentioned symptoms. Do not wait until your horse is in serious danger before you act. AHS does not ask who it takes, it comes in and takes who it wants. If you have no access to the above mentioned we have taken the liberty of compiling a list of herbs that have been used with a lot of success and can save your horses life:
Honey (Preferably raw)
Cayenne Pepper
Black pepper
Ground flaxseed
Moringa powder
Vit B12 injection
Cannabis oil
Collodial silver
Please contact equirapha@gmail.com for the correct treatment protocol on the above mentioned herbs list.
There are many other products that have been used successfully when it comes to treating AHS, educate yourself before purchasing especially when it comes to side affects.
What we have learned from AHSV and factors that are critical in treatment:
When a virus is present in the Horses body they can have a fever which is very important for fighting off the virus. Temperatures up to 40°C are still considered safe however if the temp exceeds this, these steps can be taken to stop temperatures from spiking to high which can cause more complications. Hosing a horse with a hosepipe can assist (please ensure to scrape off excess water to prevent heat pockets forming) as well as Vinegar towels which work excellent to bring temperatures down. Mix water and vinegar and place towels in cold vinegar water and place on the horses neck and back, when towel is warm dip in cold water mix and repeat. Fenugreek has also been found to be very effective in fever management and also has alot of other health benefits.
A horses temperature should never fall below 36.5°C. If this occurs blanket your horse to get temperatures up. You can also make a tea of the following and slowly feed the horse: 30g rooibos tea,1/2 tsp cayenne pepper,1tsp cinnamon,1tsp ginger and 2 tsp honey. Feed to your horse lukewarm. Massaging and rubing your horses neck and inside of the legs where the main arteries are can also assist in bringing up the temperature.
Please be wary of AHS being presented as onset of Biliary (Pyroplasmosis) or tick bite fever, in alot of the cases that horses have been treated for Biliary they also have AHS, this can be very dangerous as the medication given for Biliary can have bad side effects when dealing with AHS and can lead to toxemia and death. It is very likely for a horse to Have both Biliary and AHS and in these cases the Natural approach is still the safest however you will have to add more to your treatment protocol to support the liver in these cases.
Tips in treating horses with AHSV:
Cold cabbage leaves help for excessive swelling of the eyes and other body party - Wrap the effected area with cold cabbage leaves and put a soft bandage over to keep in place. When the leaves are soft and wilted repeat the process untill a significant decline in swelling.
Cannabis oil and/or smoke calms the horses muscles and can assist with pain,stress and heart rate.
Natura Rescue tablets can also assist to calm a horse.
Heart support - Cayenne pepper, mixed with water can be given orally or added to feed.
Dangers when treating AHSV:
Finadyne(Flunixin); what we have learned - Finadyne can bring the horses temperature down to fast which the horse needs to properly fight the virus. A horses body needs a fever to fight the virus. It can also put a massive strain on the liver and kidneys.
Water tablets: what we have learned-that it affects the potassium and sodium levels in the body which can weaken the heart muscles. A insufficient amount of Potassium can lead to heart failure. If you are using water tablets please consult your vet on means to replace Sodium and Potassium shortage.
Corticosteroids: what we have learned- in most cases of AHS you already have a fluid build up in the body and corticosteroids can make the fluid build up worst which you definitely do not want and it can also cause high blood pressure which can lead to strokes and heart failure.
IN SUMMARY - the natural approach is the best and safest in treating a horse through AHS.
MZN Ambassador &
Omnivet distributor
ECO-VET Products
Viral immune herb mix
Kyroligo,Kyro b liver, kyrophos, kyrovite C
Equirapha (Visit our online shop)
Medical Grade Ozone
Corni Grobler
078 534 4331
Mpumulanga and surroundings
067 920 7867
Northern Gauteng and surroundings
Herbs and their benefits:
Rooibos tea has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and muscle relaxant properties. It also has immune building properties. Research shows that rooibos tea boosts levels of master antioxidant glutathione in the body. More powerful than any other antioxidant, glutathione protects against inflammation, toxins, free radicals, and pathogens.
The phytonutrients in honey are responsible for its antioxidant properties, as well as its antibacterial and anti-fungal power. They're also thought to be the reason raw honey has shown immune-boosting and anticancer benefits. It is also a probiotic and can assist in healing of stomach ulcers.
Cinnamon is well known for its protective anti oxidant levels. It also has a wide range of health benefits,including antiviral,antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It also aids in insulin resistance.
The main active ingredient in Turmeric is Curcumin,a compound well known to have powerful anti inflammatory effects. It is also a strong antioxidant,that is useful for soothing stiffness and pain,maintaining good digestion and skin conditions. Curcumin can increase brain levels of BDNF. Unfortunately, curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps to consume a pinch of black pepper with it, which contains piperine, a natural substance that enhances the absorption of curcumin by 2,000%.
Cayenne pepper
Cayenne Pepper is a super health tonic that has a myriad of health boosting properties. It provides very good support for the heart and circulation, dilating blood vessels and stimulating blood flow all the way to your peripheral blood vessels, thereby improving problems with coldness caused by poor circulation.
It is high in antioxidants which help lower cholesterol and its anti-inflammatory quality reduce arthritic pain. It supports the heart and circulation, helps lift stress related fatigue and depression, it can help to increase the production of digestive fluid, send enzymes to the stomach to aid in digestion, and provide extra protection to the stomach against infections, as well as relieve constipation and bloating.
Ginger or Gingeroot
Ginger is a powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidant. It is also antimicrobial and anti-fungal. It can also offer pain relief and aid in good digestion. It may also induce exercise muscle stiffness. Ginger contains a substance called 6-gingerol, which may have protective effects against cancer. However, this needs to be studied a lot more.
Cloves contain a lot of manganese, a mineral that helps your body manage the enzymes that help repair your bones and make hormones. Manganese can also act as an antioxidant that protects your body from harmful free radicals (unstable atoms that cause cell damage).
Cloves are also a great source of: Vitamin K, Potassium, Beta-carotene, Eugenol. It contains powerful anti inflammatory properties and offers liver support.
Parsley is a natural diuretic that promotes production of urine. It also works on the adrenal glands, is beneficial for optic and brain nerves,as well as the whole sympathetic nervous system. It can benefit horses with coughs and arthritis too. (safety in pregnant mares have not been established.) Helps with red blood cell formation and anemia. It is also an immune booster, improves bone and kidney health. Can also reduce risk of cancer.
Celery contains a substance called phthalides that work to relax the artery walls and increase blood flow, thus lowering blood pressure. It also contains fiber, magnesium and potassium that help regulate blood pressure. Celery is low in calories and high in fiber.
Cucumbers are loaded with antioxidants which help to fight off all those pesky free radicals that can cause inflammation in your horse's body. Horses will also benefit from an enzyme found in cucumbers called triterpenoids. These enzymes have remarkable anti-inflammatory properties.
This website does not replace any medical veterinarian. Nor do we make any claims. Always seek medical advice from a qualified veterinarian. All of the information on this site has been drafted as thoroughly as possible however we waive the right to take any responsibility for any incorrect information provided as we have used different sources to collect all of the data. We do not take any responsibilty for any death,loss or damage of any animals or humans. This website does not offer any medical advice. This website is for informational purposes only.