Our amazing results...
Equirapha Skin Treatment
This girl refused to be bandaged and kept ripping off the bandages no matter how hard the owner tried to keep them on and re-applying them every 2 hours was not working and costing a pretty penny and not making the horse happy!
Vet recommended that open wound treatment would be the only option. The wounds were washed morning and evening and after proper cleaning a thick layer of skin treatment was applied. The horse recovered completely with only a hairline mark left of the wounds.
An 18 year old Thoroughbred rescue taken in with a massive open wound filled with parasites under his tail. We cleaned the wound out and killed all the parasites and applied the skin treatment 2 x day. This boy recovered completely and still lives a beautiful and spoiled life with us at the beautiful age of 23!
This poor girl was so itchy she was scratching her face to the extent of drawing blood. Our skin treatment was applied 2 x day , she stopped scratching and recovered very fast!
After suspected chemical burn of unknown source the owner applied our skin treatment 2 x day with these amazing results. He healed completely with no trace of burns.
A neglected 34 year old pony taken in with 26 massive sarcoid growths all over his body. Our skin treatments was applied 2 x day leading to all 26 falling off and skin and bald hair patches healing completely leaving hardly a trace of any initial problems!
This boy had suspected Rainrot or fungal infection that spread into a big problem area within 2 days. Our skin treatment was applied 2 x day and he made an amazing recovery within 10 days!
Our skin treatment and sarcoids on the girth area! after a few weeks application a significant change is photographed!
Open wound treatment using our skin treatment!